
Making metaphysics accessible to all.

Metaphysics is the science that questions the beyond of the physical world. It is about answering, for example, Leibniz’s question: “Why is there something, rather than nothing?” or to understand Plato saying that all cosmology can only be “a probable myth (ton eikota mython)”, because it is, “of all necessity the image of something” (Timaeus, 29b, 29d). It is this something, this necessary source of things that metaphysics sets out to reveal.

Latest Publications

If our science of nature remains hypothetical, it is not because of the weakness of our intelligence; it is because of a lack of reality in the object to be known. The ultimate reality of the universe is in its “beyond”: metaphysical science begins where physical science is forced to stop. The essential constraint of physics is in the constitution of its object of study: the physical. And while metaphysical questions often emerge in the study of the physical—from astrophysics to quantum mechanics—the physical sciences are not equipped to engage such questions. This is just one reason why we need metaphysics. 

Recent Articles

  • Metaphysics and Science

    On the Difference between Artificial and Human Intelligence and the Ethical Implications of Their Confusion.

    Sarah Spiekermann, le Professor Sarah Spiekermann chaires the Institute for Information Systems and Society at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) since 2009. A recognized scientist in the field of digital ethics, in 2016 she founded the Privacy & Sustainable Computing Lab at the University of Vienna (renamed “ Sustainability Computing Lab ” in 2020) and served as vice-chair of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) working group that resulted in the first IEEE Standard Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns during System Design: the IEEE Std 7000™-2021 standard.

  • Metaphysics and Theology

    About prayer

    Bruno Bérard, le Using the words of a priest addressed to a child to give him three aspects of praying to God, we can discover the highest spiritual values. This is what will be followed here, before moving from words to silence, from sporadic acts to permanent prayer.

  • Metaphysics and Theology

    Metaphysics of Love

    Bruno Bérard, le Given the importance universally given to love, here’s a glimpse of what it’s like theologically and practically, allowing us to sketch out a metaphysics of relationship that advantageously complements a sometimes inadequate metaphysics of being.

  • Metaphysics and metapolitics

    About metapolitics on the metafysikos website

    Bruno Bérard, le When Joseph de Maistre took the word Metapolitik from German philosophers into French, he understood it in terms of the metaphysics of politics. Aldo La Fata’s panorama of metapolitics is much broader, going back to a Christian usage in canon law and has spread, in line with current usage in various Western cultures (Spain, Italy, […]

  • Metaphysics and metapolitics

    Genealogy of metapolitics

    Aldo La Fata, le   After a biographical work dedicated to Silvano Panunzio and published in the “Tabula fati” collection by Marco Solfanelli’s publishing house: Silvano Panunzio. Vita e pensiero, Edizioni Solfanelli, Chieti 2021, this condensed article is dedicated to the metapolitical perspective of the famous traditional writer, Silvano Panunzio, about whom little has been said until now.

Metafysikós is the transliteration of modern Greek μεταφυσικός ; ancient Greek metaphusika gave the Latin metaphysica.

About this website

This site has the ambition to make accessible to most people a metaphysical science which, freed from too many scientific or philosophical complexities, becomes easy to understand. Different books and articles, written with the aim of facilitating access, are thus presented one by one and a glossary of the few inevitable technical words has been established to make the approach even easier.
