List of Articles
Back to a Metaphysics of Beauty
“Art-con”, “con” for “contemporary” or “conceptual”, denounces itself by announcing itself as such. Here, we propose to retrace the journey from today’s official, financial and media-driven pseudo-art to an “original” art, untainted by the needs of schools, to a transcendent “beauty” recognized as such.
The Japanese Notion of “Aïda”
Morena Campani and Mieko Matsumoto’s film “A perdita d’occhio” reveals the notion of aïda, which is very particular to Japanese culture. Here’s how it can be understood.
The Practice of Metaphysics is Religion
Beneath this provocative title lie a number of proposals for refining the definition of metaphysics, particularly in relation to religion.
Metaphysics, the Language of Silence
The nature of knowledge is different between dianoia, noèsis and gnosis. But if it goes from words to silence, that silence is fuller than all words.
Metaphysics as Anti-Dogmatism and as a Non-System
Metaphysics is not only a science, it is also a way. As a science, it appears extralinguistic insofar as it leads beyond the conceptual. The conceptual, in fact, turns out to be the simple step toward the knowable. Therefore, metaphysics can never be reduced to a system. By going beyond itself, this science becomes nescience; it is therefore anti-dogmatic by its very nature. As a way, metaphysics confirms this: it is the term of objective illusion for intelligences that know how to close their eyes (St. Dionysius Areopagitus). The mind seeks only what it has already found (Pascal, Chrétien de Troyes).
Paradoxes of Reason, Paradoxes of Intelligence
The three types of paradoxes – paracosmia, paralogy and paradoxia – are powerful teachings for the distinct faculties of reason and intelligence. We might even call them “metaphysical operators”.
Reason and Intelligence, the Two Sides of the Mind
Understanding the distinction between reason and intelligence enables human beings to break free from their mental confinement within conceptual games. A certain distance enables us to distinguish within reason itself the different regimes according to which it operates and, above all, to realize that the intelligible transcends the conceivable for the betterment of human thought.
Metaphysics, Science & Religion – An Introduction
This conference was meant to be a brief introduction to metaphysics to an audience of scholars from different disciplines. Three points of view are presented: the historical genesis of metaphysics, the relation between modern science and metaphysics, and what does ‘Christian metaphysics’ mean?
Logos-Centric Metaphysics
The simple definition of metaphysics leads to understand that metaphysics is Logos-centric by essential nature. Yet, isn’t the Holy Spirit who reveals the Son toward whom we can turn?
Gnosis and the “possibilities of non-manifestation”
This paper tries to clarify the difficult metaphysical question of the relation between the ‘possible’ and the ‘reality’, thanks to Jean Borella’s work about Guénon, Schuon and St. Thomas Aquinas.