Abstract. Modern science presents extravagant, yet universally verifiable anomalies, symptomatic of the anti-Darwinian devolution: a general intellectual degradation. Modern scientists, philosophers and historians have forgotten the central role of Pythagoras’ integers, missing the fact that the Hypostyle of Karnak illustrates the Fulgurante Suite that governs the universe. Newton missed out on quantum physics, which is clearly linked to the quantization of space-time, linked to the simplest Holographic Principle that equalizes the area and perimeter of a disk, pushing back the official “Planck Wall” by a factor of 1061. Cosmologists missed the essential three-minute elementary physics calculation that gives the half-radius of the universe, which the latest measurements confirm, eliminating the “expansion of the universe”. Hence the replacement of the Big Bang by a Permanent Bang, a matter-antimatter oscillation in a Cosmos constituted by the sweep of a single particle, the electron. The universe appears as a Superparticle in the Cosmos of the Ancients, which is governed by the Topological Axis, an union of 16 “holic” relations that rehabilitates string theory. What’s more, it directly links the physical parameters to the biblical and musical numbers 137, 153 and 666, with accuracies of over 7 digits, thus ruling out all chance. Biologists have missed obvious relationships that lead to the characterization of an ideal human couple, typical of the Neolithic period, stronger than today’s couple. Human bio-physical characteristics are intimately linked to the parameters of the Earth and Solar System, implying “Solanthropy”: we are alone in the Cosmos, which is the missing element essential to understanding quantum physics. The Cosmos is the missing non-local variable, but it’s not hidden: it manifests itself in the thermal radiation background. We therefore predict the invariance of its temperature, which will precipitate the downfall of the current Scientific System, in an unprecedented cultural crisis.

Since Newton’s fateful failure to recognize the quantum constant implied by Kepler’s laws, science has taken refuge in mathematical abstractions, forgetting the concrete, basic physics. It even failed to distinguish between the simple and the complex. Cosmology, for example, is currently regarded as the most complex field, whereas it only took 3 minutes of elementary physics to calculate the radius of the universe, or “Hubble radius”, which astronomers have been trying to measure for a century through galactic recession (Fig. 1). It is enclosed in the sealed envelope dated March 5, 1998, whose opening is imminent (official request for opening in September 2024).

The first estimates were even grossly wrong: Lemaître’s radius was too small by a factor of 8, Hubble’s by a factor of 7. The former had taken seriously the equations of general relativity, which seemed to indicate an “expansion of space”. The latter took the same measurements and drew a straight line between points that didn’t line up. And with good reason: galactic recession does not affect nearby galaxies, those of the “local group”, mainly used by these two pioneers. This in fact contradicts the very concept of “expansion of the universe”.These initial mistakes, which nobody reported, had catastrophic consequences. In particular, Eddingon’s assessment, close to the 3-minute formula, went out the window, as did his Fundamental Theory, even though his prediction of the number of atoms in the observable universe is correct, confirming the existence of dark matter with density 3/10, see below. Now, in 2024, cosmology is stymied, not least by the “Hubble tension”, as the theoretical assessment of this radius of the universe is significantly lower than the directly measured value, which is indeed a distance according to Dirac.

The 3% deviation is redhibitory for a so-called “precision cosmology”. The direct measurement tends towards the 3-minute radius, which corresponds to 70.80 (km/s)/Megaparsec (Fig.1). Latest estimates: 70.4 (Khetan, March 2021), and 71.4 (Freedman, Sept 2023).

Because of the units used, which replace a radius by the inverse of a time, the officials doen’t realize that their so-called age of the universe 13.8 billion years corresponds to this Hubble radius, which tends towards 13.8 billion light-years, let alone that this distance is invariable, since it is given by the 3-minute calculation, rejected in 1997 by all officials except the astrophysicistJean-Claude Pecker.

In fact, cosmology is biblically simple. All we had to do was combine three universal constants to calculate the Hubble half-radius. Why three? Because there are 3 fundamental intuitive concepts in physics: Mass M, Length L and Time T. Every mechanical physical quantity is symbolically a combination of these concepts. So speed is the ratio L/T. The associated universal constant is the speed of light in a vacuum c. When combined with the gravitational constant G and the quantum constant h, we obtain the three “Planck units”, see Table 1. To get the Planck mass, we simply reconcile the astrophysical quantity GM = L³/T² with the quantum definition h/M = L²/T, which Newton missed, see below.

These kinetic quantities, i.e. those that depend only on L and T, are precisely in the ratio L/T, which we identify with c, hence GM/(h/M) = c, and the Planck mass can be deduced from this by the very simple formula mP = (hc/G)1/2 ≈ 22 micrograms. This is the mass of a large dust, much larger than the mass of a particle, but is related to that of the human oocyte, as we shall see. It’s the first biological connection, but it escaped everyone’s notice

The Planck length lP is given by the ratio (L²/T)²/ (L³/T²) = (h/mP)2 / G mP = h2 / G mP3 ≈ 1.62 10-35 meters, a very small length that was too quickly considered as the quantum of space, the so-called “Planck wall”, as we shall see.

Extending this c-free formula of lP is the key to cosmology. Indeed, introducing the mass of hydrogen mH ≈ 1837 me, where me is the mass of the electron, the combination (h/mH)2 / Gme gives 6.53 1025 meters, or 6.90 billion light-years, corresponding to half the directly measured galactic recession radius so identifying with R/2, with R ≈ 13.8 billion light-years. In fact, half the Schwarzschild radius is used to define a black hole of critical mass M, i.e. : R/2 = GM/c2, which is also the critical condition of official cosmology, so the factor 2 is eliminated in the mass relationship: MmH² me ≈ mP4

Also, the factor 2 means that this critical relationship can be written in holographic form 2D-1D (Area = Perimeter) : the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black-hole-universe is π (R/lP)² = 2 π R/ƛM, where ƛM = h/Mc is the wavelength of the universe, much smaller than the Planck length, which puts an end to the so-called “Planck wall”. That such an obvious relationship should have gone unnoticed by theorists is mind-boggling, especially as the holographic principle is presented as the hope of theoretical physics. But theorists focused on ordinary 2D-3D holography, neglecting the simplest 2D-1D holography, which the author had foreseen, associated with “temporal holography” in his doctoral thesis on laser, which is crucial for DNA, see below.

The Hubble tension is resolved, but the official cosmology has to be drastically reinterpreted. The concepts of the “age of the universe” and the Big Bang are eliminated. In the official calculations, time and space were mixed up when c = 1 was written, ruling out any dimensional calculation. This is the end of the myth of “expansion of the universe”, to be replaced by “galactic recession at constant radius” in Bondi and Gold’s Perfect Cosmology, based on the “Perfect Cosmological Principle”: the universe is homogeneous in both space and time: the universe has no history, contrary to the official litany.

This perfect cosmology depends on just one parameter, unlike the six parameters of official cosmology. The time of 13.8 billion years is therefore the time constant of the exponential recession: the acceleration of the galactic recession had therefore been predicted by perfect cosmology, as well as implicitly by Newton, as detailed below, whereas it came as a complete surprise to official cosmology.

The classical gravitational energy of the critical universe is -(3/10) Mc², the opposite of the classical kinetic energy (3/10) Mc², meaning that the proportion of so-called “dark energy” is the complement 7/10. Future telescopes will have to observe the invariance of this 7/10 ratio.

This “perfect cosmology” predicted the thermal background and, contrary to official cosmology, provided a good estimate of its temperature. Indeed, Thomas Gold supposed that the universe is a fusion reactor tranforming hydrogen in helium: this leads to a background temperature of 2,61 K, confirming the neutrino’s background. But this cosmology fell victim to its own excessive perfection: as it predicts that all cosmological quantities are invariant, it was enough for the variation in quasar density to be observed to declare it too quickly disproved. Yet it justifies galactic recession by the renewal of matter to counter the decay implied by the second principle of thermodynamics, while within a cluster the evacuation is ensured by black holes, which at last receive a cosmological role.

But, to maintain the critical density invariance, this perfect cosmology requires the appearance of new “negentropic” matter, at the rate of c3/2G kg/s, in violation of the first principle of thermodynamics, the conservation of energy. Fred Hoyle proposed new matter to be composed of neutrons, as a neutron decays in vacuum into proton, electron an anti-neutrino. This was considered a serious flaw. But, on the contrary, this cosmology defines a frontier between Physics and Metaphysics. This insurmountable limit for Science applies at all times and is not relegated to a hypothetical Big Bang, here refuted.

It’s crucial to note that the formula for the radius of the universe doesn’t depend on c. Indeed, when performing a symbolic (or “dimensional”) analysis, the 3 constants most relevant to the domain under consideration must be chosen. In cosmology the speed of light is far too slow to ensure the coherence of such a vast universe, which is deemed to be quantically non-local. So, when a probe flew over Pluto, one had to wait 7 hours for the return signal. During the first 3 minutes of his sabbatical year dedicated to the holographic and holic principles, the author therefore chose, to complete G and h, the product of the masses of the three particles of chemistry: the electron, the proton and the neutron, which reduces virtually to the previous formula because mn mp ≈ mH². The mass relationship then becomes totally symmetrical, meaning that the universe is like a particle, implying the return of the Cosmos of the Ancients.

R3mn = 2 h²/G me mmp 

=>          M me mmp = mP4                     [1]

The Topological Axis, the extension of the Periodic Table of Elements, suggests that the universe is the terminal gauge boson of the Cosmos, for orbital number k = 7. Indeed, weak bosons correspond to k = 3, while the grand unification boson is at k = 5, leaving one place and one place only for gluons, at k = 1.

With the two main competing cosmologies connecting on the time scale of 13.8 billion years, their synthesis imposes the Permanent Bang at the enormous frequency of cM = Mc2/h 10104 Hz. More precisely, it could be a matter-antimatter oscillation, resolving the nagging enigma of the apparent absence of antimatter. Hence the hypothesis that dark matter could be a matter-antimatter vibration in quadrature. Indeed, an extension of the 3-minute formula then implies a baryonic density (ordinary matter) (3/10)2/2 = 0.045, compatible with observation.

A microphysics-cosmology connection had been signaled by the double correlation of large numbers, as early as the 1930s. Indeed, in a hydrogen atom, the ratio between electrical and gravitational force is enormous, of the order of 1040, which is also the order of magnitude of the radius of the universe in relation to the radius of the nuclear nucleus. What’s more, the number of atoms in the observable universe seemed close to 1080, the square of the former. This led Eddington to propose a statistical formulation, which is written in a very symmetrical way, in our model of the gravitational hydrogen molecule where the “negentropic” neutron is replaced by hydrogen so with R = 2h²/GmemH mp,, with ƛH = h/mH c, the electron’s effective mass m’e = me/(1 + me /mp), and the relativistic deviation b = me/(mH -mp): 

hc/Gmpme  = (M / me)1/2 = R / 2ƛH 153 f(26) / b

=>          hc / f(26)Gmp(mH -mp 152,9999                 [2]

The precision on the number 153 is remarkable (10-7), using our value of G compatible with that of the BIPM. Whereas the other universal constants are defined to within 10-9 (Table 1), our G is a factor of 1.5 10-4 larger than the official value, which was thoughtlessly chosen initially using mutually incompatible measurements. The large number f(26) = e^(2^(26/4)) is the topological function for the main dimension d = 26 of tachyo-bosonic string theory, where the dimension 2(2k+1) = 26 corresponds to k = 6.

Theorists have not reconciled the special series of string dimensions 4k +2 with the classical magnetic multiplicity of spectroscopic terms 2(2k+1) of the Periodic Table, where the factor 2 comes from the electron spin, which is therefore associated with the two-dimensional string. This function translates the union of 16 1D-2D holic relations in the Topological Axis, which brings together the main physical quantities, related to the electron’s Compton reduced wavelength ƛe = h/mec.

In particular, R/ƛe ≈ 6 f(26), which implies that the proton-electron mass ratio is very close to the integer 6 × 2 × 153 = 1836, which conjugates two biblical numbers: the 153 fishes and the 12 apostle-fishmen, 12 being the smallest superabundant number (less than the sum of its divisors) that defines star numbers from a triangular number. Now 153 is the 17th triangular number 153 = 17 × 18 / 2. So 1836 = 12 × 153 is the 17th star number, missing a term to become the centered star number 1837, representative of the hydrogen-electron mass ratio.

So the main physical parameters 1836 and 1837, linked by the unit representing the electron, are part of the “figurative numbers” of the Pythagoreans, which nobody has noticed. On the other hand, the 4th star number, based on the Tetraktys 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, is known: it’s the Chinese checkerboard (Fig. 2), while 153 is the “Great Tetraktys” (Fig. 3), based on the number 17, which is the sum of the 4 smallest prime numbers 17 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7.

According to the author’s Holic Principle, these 4 numbers respectively represent time (2 directions), space (3 dimensions), mass (5 components) and the non-intuitive field or “co-matter” (7 components). Tetraktys 10 expresses the relationship between these four “holic numbers”, the “relationship of the two hands”: 10 = 2 × 5 = 3 + 7, where 7 = 23 – 1, which is the beginning of the « Fulgurante Sequence » (called Catalan-Mersenne series) of stepped Mersenne numbers, the next being 27 – 1 = 127, producing the sum 3 + 7 + 127 = 137, the Eddington number for the electrical constant (Table 1).

This Fulgurante Sequence is represented in the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak with its 7 + 127 = 134 columns and 3 pylons. The fourth final term is the Lucas number 2127– 1, history’s most famous prime number. But no-one has pointed out that it is also of the order of the fateful 1040 above, decisive in perfect cosmology.

Figs. 2 and 3.  The Eddington Number 137 is the average between the (12 × 10 + 1) = 121 = 11² elements of the Chinese checkerboard, the fourth centered star number, based on the Tetraktys which is the 4th triangular number, and the 153 elements of the Great Tetraktys, the 17th triangular number, base of the centered star number 1837 = (12 × 153 + 1). Hence 137 = 11² + 4², where 4 is the dimension of space-time and 11 that of Supergravity.

The parameters of physics are thus linked to the sacred geo-numeric. But the Pythagorean tradition has been lost over the ages, starting with Newton himself, who was one of the so-called “Pythagoreans”. Indeed, Kepler’s third law is written, in accordance with the Holic Principle above, T² = L³ where T is a ratio of time, and L a ratio of lengths. Any Pythagorean reasons in terms of integers, which quantifies space-time, and concludes that it is the n⁶ power of an integer n, hence that T = n³, and L = n², which implies that areal velocity (Kepler’s other law indicates its invariance on a planetary orbit) is L²/T = (n²)²/ n³ = n, the quantization law, which was only postulated in 1913 by Bohr, without reference to the above quantization of spacetime.

What’s more, Bohr claimed that his quantum theory was complete, backed up by a “completeness theorem” by the logician John von Neumann, which was disproved and forgotten 30 years later. The famous debate between Bohr and Einstein, who rightly maintained that “God doesn’t play dice”, but clung to the futile idea that physics is local, i.e. limited by the speed c, turned ridiculous when it was deduced that there could be no hidden parameter which is local !? So it was obvious from the start. But what about non-local hidden parameters? The 3-minute calculation shows that what’s missing is the Cosmos, eminently non-local and non-hidden, revealing its presence through background radiation. So, quantum physics is inseparable from cosmology. The same applies to classical physics, as shown by Foucault’s pendulum, which aligns itself with the background radiation, i.e. the Cosmos. In fact, our absolute speed is determined by the Doppler anisotropy of the background rediation, around 600 km/s. 

The story goes that Newton delayed publication of his “Principia” because he was looking for a second universal constant to manage local physics, to complement his discovery of the constant G, which governs astrophysics. He therefore missed the constant h such that h/M = L²/T, a crucial symmetrical relation with respect to mass of GM = L³/T². This is all the more deplorable given that Roemer himself came to Cambridge in 1676 to point out the new universal constant, the speed of light. Newton could therefore have deduced the above formula for Planck’s mass and, by identifying it with the mass of the human oocyte, estimated the value of h. Indeed, Newton perused alchemical treatises, and could have had knowledge of the human oocyte, visible to the naked eye, but we can’t certify this, as he burned all his documents at the end of his life. Astrophysicist Jean-Claude Pecker, an anti-Pythagorean official, had a sudden change of heart when he learned that Newton had thus missed out on the quantization of space-time, the gravito-quantum unification so actively sought by all, but without any success, and for good reason: the incongruous belief in “Planck’s wall”, refuted above. 

Legend has it that Pythagoreanism was refuted with the discovery that 21/2, the root of 2, is not rational. This argument no longer holds in a quantized space-time. In fact, the construction of integer roots in Theodore’s spiral, when starting from 153, gives the fourth term 41/2 × 153 = 306, which is also 51/2 × a mp / mn, to within 4 × 10-8, i.e. linked to the electrical constant a = 137.0359991 with 7 significant figures. The specific property of the canonical number 4 is that it is the smallest perfect square, and the antecedent of 5, whose root is linked to the golden ratio, of central importance in botanics.

In addition, 306, the number of notes in the optimal 5th musical scale, is very close to the 5th power of π,while 6 × 306 = 1836 is the Pythagorean form of Wyler’s relation 6π5 for the proton-electron mass ratio, i.e. the product of the volume π3 of a cube with side π and its area 6π2.  So, the plane star number 1836 has also a 3D interpretation.

It is crucial to remark that 306 is close both to the Fermi atomic mass and the average atomic mass of an anhydrous DNA monophosphate nucleotid, so that the atomic mass of a bicodon, grouping 3 AT or GC type pairs, is close to 1836. In fact, the atomic mass relationship G + C = A + T + 1, which has eluded all biologists, implies that AT and GC pairs have the same mass to within one hydrogen. So the atomic mass of a bicodon is invariant to within 3 hydrogens. 

This suggests that DNA is a calculator using base 3, the optimal integer base, as this is the closest integer to the theoretical optimal base e = 2.718, known as the “base of natural logarithms”. The logarithm of a number N in base b is none other than the corresponding exponent N = blogN. This simple definition logarithm = exponent is ignored by officials. So e must be defined directly: it’s the number x such that x1/x is maximal. For example, 21/2 ≈ 1.414 is less than 31/3 ≈ 1.442, itself less than e1/e ≈ 1.445, demonstrating the superiority of base 3 over base 2.  Ramanujan and Hardy have shown that the double natural logarithm (marked « ln » in the calculators) of a large integer is statistically its divisors number, giving a Pythagorian interpretation to the Holico-Topological Axis.   

One can’t imagine a tighter bundle of obvious relationships between sacredology, geometry, biology and fundamental physics. And yet, these obvious relationships are totally absent from science teaching, which is too abstract. Thus, according to Grothendieck, the leader of modern mathematics, “mathematics is too beautiful to stoop to dealing with physics”, or “theorems must apply to all numbers, indiscriminately”. We can see how far this prestigious mathematician is from reality, since the Topological Axis rehabilitates the tachyo-bosonic string theory, which many had rejected, such as Alain Connes, the leader of current mathematicians in France, on the pretext that it admits tachyons, particles exceeding light speed. 

The “Reims appeal” makes the connection between the delirium of these abstract mathematicians and the catastrophic place (29th) of France in the teaching of mathematics, a consequence of the “modern mathematics” of sad memory. We must urgently return, from primary school to the musical numerology of Pythagoras, and the elementary geometry.

Biologists do not explain how DNA works. It is nevertheless logical that the DNA chain is a 1D-2D hologram: then, a signal traveling through this double spiral produces 2D waves that structure the organism, specifying the work of Luc Montagnier, which officials do not take seriously. But it is nevertheless the future of bioinformatics, much more promising than the quantum computer initiated by officials who did not understand the concept of “photonde”, because the photon does not propagate, it only appears upon detection. They have not even understood that the laser effect is non-local. No wonder the first laser was a botch job, the publication of which was refused by officials, leading to 20 years of legal proceedings, which no one talks about.

This return to common sense is all the more desirable and necessary since the Egyptians had defined the meter, precisely by this 2D-1D holography that has escaped everyone, although it is the simplest relationship that one can imagine: the equalization of the area of ​​a disk with its perimeter, the two concepts that Archimedes, anticipating differential calculus, had associated with the number p. Indeed, a sailor located 1 meter from the water level, has a terrestrial horizon of 3570 meters, therefore embraces a field of vision of area p 3570², numerically equal to the terrestrial circumference 40 million meters: the meter is therefore the unit that allows this numerical agreement, which is only the transcription of an elementary property of geometry, the power of a point in relation to a sphere. Hence the 40 000 km of the Convention, which defines the meter less precisely than the use of this fateful number 3570, which is the product of the sum 17 = 2+3+5+7 and the product 210 = 2×3×5×7 of the 4 “holic” numbers 2,3,5,7 above.

Moreover, 3570 is the antecedent of 3571, the 17th power of the golden ratio that we obtain as the 17th term in the Lucas sequence that begins with 1,3,4,7,11,18,29,47… Everyone can check on their calculator that the 8th root of the 8th term 47 is 1.618, close to the golden ratio. These properties must be taught from childhood, it is the key to the resurgence of excellence in the teaching of mathematics. The decomposition 4 = 3 + 1 is so fundamental that it intervenes in the theoretical 4D space-time which is decomposed into 3 dimensions of space and one of time. Furthermore, the Tetraktys 1+2+3+4 becomes 1+2+3+(1+3) = 7 + 3 dividing the Tetraktys into (1+2) + (3+4), the sum of two prime numbers 3 and 7, the origin of the above “Fulgurante Sequence” which contains 137 and the Lucas number that governs the universe.

The following sequence, called “musical” 1,4,5,9,14,23,37,60 … gives the 13th term as 665, antecedent of the biblic 666, while the 12th is 3 × 137 and the 11th is 2 × 127, where 127 = 153 – 26 = 137 – 10, defining the central dimension of the strings as 26 = 10 + 16, where 10 is the superstring dimension.

Modern philosophers have aligned themselves with the scientists of the so-called “Lumières”, and have therefore given up on understanding the details of calculations, reserved only for the “initiated”. The tragedy is that they, too, have rejected Pythagoras and the elementary physics presented here, verifiable by any educated person: a bachelor’s degree is not even required. The philosopher-mathematician Bertrand Russell set out to demonstrate that 1 + 1 = 2 in 180 pages of complex reasoning, only to finally acknowledge at the end of his career, given the success of particle physics, based on whole numbers, “the most astonishing thing is that the World is Pythagorean“, which no one has noticed.

Taking into account the mass of the DNA bi-codon mbc  above, the half-radius of the universe is written in two forms:

R/2 = (h/mH)2 / G me  ≈ (h/me)2 / G mbc

=>    mH2 = mbc me

=>   (h/me)2 / G = mbc  R/2  ≈  200  mètre . kg    [3]

which shows the Gh crucial symmetry above, associated to the electron mass. This favors a man of height 2 meters weighing 100 kg, so with optimal “corporal index” 25 kg/m². In fact, Neolithic men were taller and stronger than nowadays, confirming the anti-Darwinian theory of “devolution”. This could also explain the current intellectual degeneration: in 350 years, no one has noticed Newton’s error. Moreover, during the last century, which has contained more scientists than in all of history, no one has thought of the 3-minute calculation, which is nevertheless elementary and essential for any self-respecting physicist.

The non-local length attached to this mass of the bicodon  h2 / G mbc32 lK  is identified with twice the length of Valery Kotov, product of c by the period tK = 9600.59 seconds of the non-Doppler oscillations of several quasars, directly proving that the world is tachyonic. In fact, speeds greater than c are allowed by Poincaré Relativity, introducing tachyons of minimum speed c, opposed to the usual bradyons, of maximum speed c. Kotov showed that the length lK is of central importance in the Solar System, in particular very close to the Sun-Uranus distance, while tK is about the ninth part of the Earth’s day.

The question then arises: is there a symbolic formula for the radius of the simplest atom, hydrogen? The answer is positive, since the latter then introduces the fraction 1/1371/2 of the Planck mass, which is identified with the mass of the human oocyte moo ≈ 1.8 micrograms, a sphere of water with a diameter of 0.15 mm, the limit of human visibility. As above, the formulation is doubled by the crucial symmetry Gh, again associated to the electron mass. This introduces  the mass mA, which defines the quantum of space, the “topon” d = h2 / G mA 3 = (2lP³/RC)1/2 tied to the radius RC of our Holographic Cosmos, and giving back  again to the Ideal Man above.

rH = (h/moo)2 / G me  = (h/me)2 / G mA

=>    moo2= mA  me

=>    (h/me)2 / G = rH m≈  200  meter . kg   [4]

This Ideal Man is confirmed by the Ideal Woman weighing 100 kg/21/2 or 71 kg, and measuring, with the same optimal mass index of 25 kg/m², the height 2 meters / 21/4 about 1.7 meters. Indeed, we then observe the following remarkable conjunction implying a spectacular relationship that has escaped all
the supporters of the official anthropic principle, too aligned with the evolutionary scenario of the official cosmology, here refuted:

NA= mA /mHo ≈ mFe /mov 38 milliards

=>       mov3 ≈ mHo mFe me               [5]

This number, typical of the human population, and very close to the ratio of the two nuclear couplings, is therefore called the “Armageddon number”, and mA “Armageddon mass”. No woman should feel devalued, because the atomic mass of the Ideal Woman is very close to the 137th power of the golden ratio, which occupies a central place in relationships, involving the mass of the ideal human baby and the ratio of electrical to nuclear coupling. The rejection of women in scientific circles is symptomatic of the unaesthetic aspect of official Science.

Moreover, the critical density of the universe is very close to one neutron per volume of the human couple. This critical density, combined with h and the Fermi constant of particle physics, gives an enormous, hence cosmic, time 5.48 × 1057 s, which identifies with that given by the method 3 minutes giving a time h3/G²m⁵, where m = (mempmn)1/3.

This signifies a ternary symmetry between electron, proton and neutron that totally eludes particle physicists. What’s more, Eddington had predicted the lepton tau by a symmetry argument, which has been forgotten. All this should now unlock Supersymmetry.

Assuming the identity of this critical density between the universe and the Cosmos, which is assumed to be governed by the tachyonic velocity C, this defines the tachyonic ratio C/c = RC/R ≈ 1061. Now, the central mystery of physics is the enormous ratio 10122 between the energy of the quantum vacuum and the energy of the visible universe Mc². So the energy of the vacuum is of order MC², justifying the Tachyonic Cosmos.

 The direct combination of G, h and Fermi’s constant defines the neuron tN, about 19.14 ms, typical of the human nervous system and giving the optimal key F minor with the optimal setting of concert pianos La3 = 442.9 Hz. Moreover, the neuron is directly linked to the topon d above, by b0 (tN // tP)² ≈ ƛe/d implying only the 10D and 11D crystallo-musical ratio 419/417, with precision 10-8, corresponding to the musical scale of Joël Sternheimer with144 notes.

And the neuron is associated with the radius R1 of the mono-electronic universe by the double relation (R1/2ctN)² ≈ R3m/ƛe = ƛpƛn/lP². This endorses Wheeler’s intuition of mono-electronic cosmology, where the universe of radius R1, which depends only on ƛe and a (without G) is the sweep of a single electron. So electrons are all the same, because there is only one, an idea that came to the author at the age of 16. Feynman’s objection, that there should then be as much matter as antimatter, no longer holds in the above matter-antimatter oscillation. This leads to the following statistical formula of total beauty, where the sums relate to integers n between 2 and R1/ƛe , implying the Euler constant cE ≈ 0.577215665 :

rH/ƛe  = a mH/mp =  S (1/n) / (S(1/n²)) = (ln (R1/ƛe) + cE – 1) / (π²/6 -1)

=> R1 ≈ 15,7743156  109 a-l    [6]

By running n between 1 and RC/ƛe, the ratio a mH/mp is replaced by a + 1 + 21/2mH/mp, validating our Cosmos radius RC to 4 10-6 .

This cluster of relationships is confirmed by a statistical study that puts the probability of another such Human-Earth-Solar System-Universe association in the Cosmos at 10-40: we are alone in the universe. This “Solanthropy” is independently suggested by astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Bibring on the basis of the strangeness of extra-solar planetary systems, compared to the extra-ordinary specificity of the Earth. So the study of extra-worlds, far from favoring the “plurality of inhabited worlds”, argues instead for “Solanthropy”, here firmly established.

Those who failed their Baccalaureate because of such indigestible disciplines as modern, Darwinist and anti-Pythagorean mathematics, physics and philosophy, can rest assured by checking the elementary calculations presented here. By taking the values ​​from Table 1, everyone will have the pleasure of seeing the biblical number 153.0000 displayed on their calculator, which is the modern and precious equivalent of the discoverers’ telescope. While the teaching of Pythagoras should be compulsory, these sinister official disciplines should be optional.

The use of logarithms makes it possible to deal with numbers larger than 10100, since a product is replaced by the sum of exponents, i.e. the logarithms, so that anyone can check that 137137 is very close to the volume of the cosmos, related to the cube of the radius of the hydrogen atom.

What’s more, 137137 is very close to the number of elements in the Super-Group made up of the “happy family” of 20 sporadic groups associated with the Monster Group. This means that the physical parameters are optimal bases for calculation. As the sporadic groups are at the cutting edge of current Arithmetic (pompously called “Number Theory”), the physical parameters are invaluable guides for the advancement of mathematics.

The Cosmos of the Ancients has been so forgotten that it’s not even recognizrd in the magnificent radiation background, whose temperature is given by Lucas’s large prime number, where facetious Nature introduces holographic divisors, and which is linked to the 3D holographic term that extends the 1D-2D holographic writing of the 3-minute formula that implies the neuron above. What’s more, modern physicists have all aligned themselves with Einstein’s Relativity, which did not take up the “fixed frame of reference” of Poincaré’s Relativity, and so are unable to define the basis of the principle of inertia, the absolute frame of reference, anticipated by Newton, which controls Foucault’s pendulum.

According to perfect cosmology, the panorama of galaxies must be unchanged over the ages. It was therefore easy to predict that in the depths of the universe we would observe the same galaxies as the local ones. The abstract of “Back to Cosmos” thus ends with “The standard evolutionary cosmology will soon be excluded by the observation of mature galaxies in the very far-field.” So, 2 years before the launch of the new JWST space telescope, the “impossible galaxies” had been predicted and announced. They are indeed observed to the great consternation of officials.

But apparently the error is so deep and persistent that it will take even more for officials to return to the path of common sense. Academic careers are at stake, and it is tempting to resort to new “epicycles” to save careers and reputations. This was already the case to explain the uniformity of the background radiation, so obvious and necessary in perfect cosmology: the grotesque inflation was introduced where the dimensions of the universe increased at a superluminal speed.

Then there was “dark energy” claiming to explain the acceleration of the galactic recession, while Newton had predicted that a repulsive force should prevent its universal gravitation from causing the collapse of the universe. The simplest symbolic form of a force is to be proportional to the distance, which suggests the simplest law of recession, the exponential law, therefore accelerated. This explains why the recession is only effective beyond a million light years, therefore does not affect the galaxies of the local group.

Then came the Multiverse, the height of epicycles, where in an unheard-of profusion of unobservable universes, it is claimed that there is one whose parameters are conducive to life, ours. We are swimming in full anti-scientific but official delirium.

This Multiverse is based on the non-recognition of physical parameters as special mathematical numbers, which is disproved in this study, both by their Pythagorean connections, the involvement of sporadic groups, and their interpretation as optimal bases for calculation.

Officials seriously underestimated the complexity of life, even the complexity of a living cell. With the exception of a few clear-sighted biologists, officials were confident of finding traces of life on Mars, on the pretext that ancient rivers had left traces of liquid water there, and they were sorely disappointed. Indeed, this study proves “Solanthropy”, showing that the search for extra-terrestrial life is futile.

On the other hand, we must expect that the new super-telescopes in preparation will reveal the invariance of the background temperature. Then, the reputation of official Science, based on abstruse mathematics and mainly directed by the North Americans, already seriously shaken, will be definitively lost in a cultural cataclysm. A new generation of researchers will arise, guided by the common sense principles of Pythagoras. Table 1.Main universal constants in mechanical units (kg, meter, second) of the International System. Planck units, 3-minute formula, Radius of the universe, property of 137 and associated 60 through 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5 = 137/60. The biblical number is arithmetic monster : 153 = 13+23+33 = 1!+ 2!+3!+4!+5! = (1!+3!+5!) + (2!+4!) = 127 + 26 = 137 + 16  => 137 = 3 + 7 + 127, so connecting with the Fulgurante Sequence.

Note: The large number f(26) is given by the Topological Axis for the string theory central dimension 26.